Park Yong Ha

Sebuah berita duka cita dtg dr Korea. Aktor Park Yong Ha (PYH) (32) ditemukan gantung diri dgn kabel charger camcordernya di pagi hari tgl 30Juni di rumahnya sendiri kawasan Nonhyundong, Seoul. Tubuh tak bernyawanya ditemukan oleh sang ibunda sekitar pk.5.30 pagi, tp diperkirakan oleh polisi aktor tsb meninggal jam 3 pagi.

Dilaporkan kalo malam sebelumnya, PYH pulang ke rumah stelah abis minum2, dan kmd memijat kaki ayahnya yg ternyata lagi sakit kanker perut stadium akhir. Sbg anak yg berbakti, PYH merasa sangat bersedih mengenai penyakit ayahnya tsb. Dia terus menerus berkata “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I should be the one in pain, not you.” kpd ayahnya. Kmd setelah itu, dia masuk kamarnya pd pk.00.40.

Penyebab almarhum bunuh diri diperkirakan karena stress akan hidup dan pekerjaan. Selain masalah kesehatan ayahnya, PYH jg dilaporkan stress menghadapi pekerjaannya sbg CEO dr agensi miliknya YONA Entertainment, menciptakan bisnis2 baru lainnya sekaligus mengurus karir akting dan nyanyi nya sendiri sampe2 mengalami gangguan susah tidur dan memaksanya mengkonsumsi obat tidur selama 14th terakhir.

Dilaporkan  PYH pulang ke Korea di sela2 tour 16 kota di Jepang yg baru dimulai minggu kmrn krn penyakit ayahnya tsb. Berikut sesi wawancara dgn pihak kepolisian mengenai hal ini…

Q: Had he drank a lot when he took his life?
A: He was under the influence of alcohol when he returned home after midnight on the night of his death. According to his father, he did not drink a lot but a little.

Q: Did you carry out an autopsy?
A: The family of the deceased do not want one. This means that they too do not have any questions over the cause of his death.

Q: Why did his mother open the door to his room at such an early hour?
A: His mother goes to sleep early and Park often went home late. So it is his mother’s habit to open the door to her son’s room early. She had opened the door early today too.

Q: Was he under a lot of stress over his father’s illness?
A: Investigation showed that Park treated his parents well and was the type who is affectionate. He had told his acquaintances many times that he is extremely distressed about the process of his father’s fight against the disease.

Q: He was said to have taken sleeping pills over an extended period of time.
A: It was never stated that he took them for an extended period. It has not been confirmed whether he took sleeping pills on May 30 but he did take a few recently. But it has nothing to do with the cause of his death. The cause of his death is suffocation.

Q: Did he not have any financial issues?
A: We do not investigate into one’s financial standing when dealing with a death.

Q: Are you sure there was no will?
A: We looked at the notebooks and belongings in his room but we could not find anything which could be considered a will.

Q: Was he suffering from depression?
A: There was no indication either that he had health issues or was suffering from depression.

Q: What about love issues?
A: Nobody has said he had such issues.

Q: Has the case been closed?
A: We handed over the case to prosecutors regarding his body we did not carry out an autopsy on. We have also handed over the body to the family of the bereaved and the case has been closed.

Q: Did you investigate into his phone call records?
A: We got hold of his mobile phone but he had deleted records of his calls. I think he did it himself. The text messages were still there.

Q: Why did he come to Korea when he’s on tour?
A: He visited because of his father’s illness.

PYH pernah maen drama bareng Bae Yong Joon dan Choi Ji Woo sbg Kim Sang Hyuk di drama “Winter Sonata” (2002) dan drama yg mengangkat namanya krn menerima penghargaan adalah drama “On Air” (2008) bareng Kim Ha-neul, Lee Bum-soo dan Song Yoon-ah. Selain itu beliau  jg dikenal sbg penyanyi di negeri sakura Jepang dan telah merilis bbrp single dan album disana. Almarhum jg sudah dijadwalkan akan maen bareng aktris Yoon Eun Hye dlm drama “Love Song” yg sedianya akan mulai syuting bln Agustus mendatang. Tp krn adanya berita ini, nasib drama tsb msh dipertanyakan.

Kabar kematian PYH telah mengejutkan Korea dan jg termasuk didalamnya para artis2 yg dekat dgnnya. Hero JaeJoong adalah salah satunya. Ktnya JaeJoong terkejut mengetahui kabar kematian sahabatnya tsb tp menyesal ga bs dtg u/ memberikan penghormatan terakhir krn dia lg sibuk rekaman di Amerika. Dilaporkan, sehari seblmnya JaeJoong dan PYH saling telpon2an dan telah berjanji akan ketemuan sekembalinya JJ ke Korea nanti.

Selain itu, PYH jg dikenal berkawan baik dgn banyak selebritis lainnya, dan sahabat2 karibnya seperti So Ji Sub dan Park Shi Yeon terlihat menangis sewaktu datang kerumah duka di St. Mary’s Hospital, tempat disemayamkannya jenasah PYH. Berikut foto2nya…

Park Yong Ha's wake

Park Yong Ha's wake

Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake Park Yong Ha's wake

Jenasah PYH akan dimakamkan dgn upacara pemakaman tradisionil Buddha pd tgl 2 Juli 2010 jam 8 pagi waktu setempat.

Kami segenap kru Pop’inAsia mengucapkan turut berduka cita kepada keluarga Park Yong Ha. Semoga amal dan ibadahnya diterima di sisi TUHAN YME. AMIN! RIP…

source: Naver+AllKpop+10.Asiae+Kbites
pics: AllKpop+KoreanIndo

About noizumi

Kpop Jpop=Addiction!

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